What About Testing?
MN State law requires homeschool teachers to have their students tested once a year from age 7 to 17. Testing is required in the year that the student turns 7 years old.
There are many options for testing. Homeschoolers get their tests from a variety of sources. Most homeschool Curriculums provide options for testing. The MACHE handbook has a list of testing options and the HSLDA website has a list of commonly used tests. Homeschool teachers use different tests at different ages, here are some examples:
Grades 2-6:
Many homeschool teachers use the Peabody test. The Peabody Individual Achievement testing (PIAT) can be administered by a certified Peabody tester. This test is available year round. It can be given in about an hour (although it is not a timed test) verbally and you can go over your results immediately after the test. Both Erin Donnay and Lynn Jorud are certified Peabody Test Administrators located in Central MN. You may contact Erin at 320-398-6370. Lynn may be contacted at 320-339-9959 or via email at jorud.lynn@gmail.com."
Grades 7-8:
Homeschool teachers may continue using the same test they used in Grades 2-6, but as students advance into junior-high curriculum there are some better tests that give more information about your student. Two of the most popular tests are the California Achievement Test (CAT) and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS).
Grades 9-12:
Homeschool teachers may continue to use the tests they have used in earlier ages, but again as students advance into high-school, there are advantages to using stronger tests. A precursor test that students can take is Aspire (used to be called PLAN) before getting to the next level. Two of the most popular tests are the PSAT and the ACT. These tests have a dual purpose of being used to fulfill the state requirement and to apply to higher education organizations. If your student wants to take advantage of PSEO, they will need the ACT test in MN.
Tests that meet the Minnesota Department of Education testing requirement:
- Peabody Individual Achievement Test
- Woodcock Johnson III
- Survey/Battery California Achievement Test (CAT 5)
- Complete CAT 5 Battery
- TerraNova 2/CAT 6
- Iowa Basic
- Standford 10
- Explore, PLAN, Aspire, or ACT for older students
Tests that do NOT meet the Minnesota Department of Education norm referenced testing:
- PSAT, SAT, Accuplacer, AP, CLEP, or DSST tests